
strapi 教程, strapi 使用笔记


collection namedescription
strapi_rolestrapi role (Super Admin/Editor/Author)


To list all the available services, run

yarn strapi services:list

To list all the available controllers, run

yarn strapi controllers:list


yarn strapi admin:reset-user-password --email="YOUR_EMAIL" --password="YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD"
npm run strapi admin:reset-user-password --email="YOUR_EMAIL" --password="YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD"

strapi v4 filter


const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
username: {
$eq: 'John',
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true,
await request(`/api/users?${query}`);

null 的查询

// 比如indexed 字段为null 或者为 false, filter可以这样写
$eq: false
$null: true

利用 and 和 or 完成复杂条件过滤

Find books with 2 possible dates & a specific author

const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
$or: [
date: {
$eq: '2020-01-01',
date: {
$eq: '2020-01-02',
author: {
name: {
$eq: 'Kai doe',
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true,

Deep filtering

Find restaurants owned by a chef who belongs to a 5-star restaurant

const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
chef: {
restaurants: {
stars: {
$eq: 5,
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true,

Field selection 指定要返回的字段

Select only title & body fields

const query = qs.stringify({
fields: ['title', 'body'],
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true,

Population 关联表内容如何返回

populate one-level deep for all relations, use the * wildcard in combination with the populate parameter

const query = qs.stringify({
populate: '*',
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true,

populate only specific relations one-level deep, use the relation name (e.g. categories) in combination with the populate parameter

const query = qs.stringify({
populate: ['categories'],
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true,

Populate 2 levels: author and

To populate specific relations, one or several levels deep, use the LHS bracket notation for fields names in combination with the populate parameter

const query = qs.stringify({
populate: {
author: {
populate: ['company'],
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true,


例如:过滤出某个product_id的ali products,利用 fields: ['id']说明只返回id 字段,populate指定只返回 searched_keywords这个关联关系表,且searched_keywords 只返回'id' 和 'keyword'字段

const aliProQuery = qs.stringify({
populate: {
searched_keywords: {
fields: ['id', 'keyword'],
fields: ['id'],
filters: {
product_id: {
$eq: product_id,
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true,


第一步 激活cron 功能

/config/server.js 中配置cron.enabled = true,并指定cron.tasks 对于的文件
const cronTasks = require("./cron-tasks");
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
host: env("HOST", ""),
port:"PORT", 1337),
cron: {
enabled: true,
tasks: cronTasks,

第二步 编写具体的 cron 文件,如cron-tasks.js

// path: ./config/cron-tasks.js
module.exports = {
* Cron job with timezone example.
* Every Monday at 1am for Asia/Dhaka timezone.
* List of valid timezones:
myJob: {
task: ({ strapi }) => {/* Add your own logic here */ },
options: {
rule: '0 0 1 * * 1',
tz: 'Asia/Dhaka',

rule 对于规则

* * * * * *
┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬
│ │ │ │ │ |
│ │ │ │ │ └ day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 is Sun)
│ │ │ │ └───── month (1 - 12)
│ │ │ └────────── day of month (1 - 31)
│ │ └─────────────── hour (0 - 23)
│ └──────────────────── minute (0 - 59)
└───────────────────────── second (0 - 59, OPTIONAL)


在某个content-type 目录下,比如 /api/ali-product

在其 routes 目录下 已有个默认的 ali-product.js 需要再创建一个 es-ali-product.js 文件, 如下

module.exports = {
routes: [
{ // Path defined with a URL parameter
method: 'GET',
path: '/es-ali-products/hello',
handler: 'ali-product.hello',
{ // Path defined with a URL parameter
method: 'POST',
path: '/es-ali-products/aliProductChange',
handler: 'ali-product.aliProductChange',
// 注意 path: '/es-ali-products/aliProductChange'
// 其中 es-ali-products 不能与已有的 ali-products 路由一样;

然后在原有的 /src/api/ali-product/controllers/ali-product.js 中增加方法

'use strict';
* ali-product controller
const { createCoreController } = require('@strapi/strapi').factories;
module.exports = createCoreController('api::ali-product.ali-product',({ strapi }) => ({
// Method 1: Creating an entirely custom action
async hello(ctx) {
console.log(`hello called in ali-product.js`)
try {
ctx.body = 'hello';
} catch (err) {
ctx.body = err;
async aliProductChange(ctx) {
try {
const { id } = ctx.params;
const { query } = ctx;
const { body } = ctx.request;
ctx.body = 'aliProductChange';
} catch (err) {
ctx.body = err;